
  Become part of the crew donate now!!!!!

Wandia is a work of art and needs help. We are mere mortals with meager means attempting the impossible. HOWEVER…..with your help we can bring her back to a bristol condition. We have the expertise but are in need of funds to cover material costs and expert services by Millwrights, Shipwrights, Riggers and Mechanics.

We know this is a project of love and passion for what used to be…for us and we hope for you, it is for what WILL BE!


$7,500 – up Admiral————————————-Poster, T-shirt, Belaying Pin, Brass Placard and 2 day overnight sail with meals and grog.                                                                                 .

$1000 -7500 Commodore——————————Poster, T-Shirt, Personalized Belaying Pin, Day sail.

$500 – 999 Bos’n mates——————————-Poster, T-Shirt, Personalized Belaying Pin.

$251 – 500 Watch Captains—————————Poster, T-Shirt

$100 – 250 Forward Mast Rigger mates ———T-Shirt

$46 – 99 Deckhands————————————-Poster

$1 – 45 Plank Owners———————————-Thank you!!!!!


If you love tall ship and the past and want to bring more of it into the future please join us in helping bring back a grand old lady of the sea.

Donation rewards will ship at a later date. We have not completed our logo yet, THANKS.

Click on the donate button at the bottom of the page